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education week: a sandy hook parent's letter to teachers, nelba marquez-greene, whose daughter ana grace was killed at sandy hook elementary school last year, writes about the courage of teachers.published in print: september 18, 2013, as a sandy hook parents letter to tenhà máy bóng sandyhook msachersms.
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first two victims identified as sandy hook principal, psychologist, the first two victims in the sandy hook massacre have been identified: principal dawn hochsprung and school psychologist mary sherlach. the wall streetthe principal, dawn hochsprung, and a school psychologist leapednhà máy bóng sandyhook ms out of their seats and ran out of the room, ms.
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gun control debate begins after sandy hook tragedy – video dailymotion, in light of the sandy hook elementary school tragedy, new york city mayor michael bloomberg spoke on "meet the press" about gun control reform, urging president obama to be more aggressive about enforcinhà máy bóng sandyhook msng laws.
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ecolocalizer celebrating urban life!, president barack obama did not give his regular public address to the nation this week; in his place was francine wheeler, whose six-year-old child was brutally murdered at sandy hook elementary school four months ago.in her heartfelt video address, nhà máy bóng sandyhook msms.
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